Design Changes During Construction? No problem!

Have you ever been part way through a construction project and noticed something wasn’t quite right with the design of the building? What do you do in that situation? Don’t panic!

Your licensed engineer on the project can make the necessary adjustments to the structural drawings to ensure that construction can continue safely and in a timely manner. Let’s take a closer look at how the licensed engineer can help when design changes are needed during construction.

One of the most important roles of a licensed engineer is to make sure all buildings meet safety standards and regulations set by local governments. In cases where design changes occur during construction, it's important to notify the licensed engineer to make sure any modifications meet these safety requirements and regulations.

The licensed engineer can also provide expert guidance on design changes. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help guide contractors towards making the best decisions for their projects. This could include recommending specific materials that are better suited for certain parts of the structure or advising on how to modify current plans without compromising safety or increasing costs significantly. A licensed engineer will also be able to suggest alternatives that might save time or money while still ensuring proper quality control is maintained throughout the entire process.

In some cases, it may be necessary for the engineer to analyze the existing structure before making any adjustments or modifications. This could involve looking at past building permit records to understand the building’s current condition, or running structural load calculations. Once this information is gathered, the engineer can then make recommendations on how best to adjust its structure so it meets all safety requirements while also minimizing disruption and cost during construction processes.         

We understand design changes are often times a part of the process and we are committed to making any adjustments needed to achieve your vision. It is your property after all!


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