Engineering Safe, Efficient, Beautiful Structures.

  • As the licensed Engineer of Record for APE, Alyssa serves as Principal Engineer overseeing all engineering efforts for projects. Alyssa couples her extensive design experience with effective communication skills to manage projects by actively interfacing with clients, project team partners, and governing jurisdictions on a day to day basis.

    Starting off her career working with a general contractor allowed her to see first hand what it takes to complete projects from the field. When Alyssa moved on from construction into a structural engineering position, she used her construction management experience to drive her innovative building designs and economical constructability solutions.

    Alyssa's passion is helping clients achieve their dream property without breaking the bank. As an avid ADU enthusiast, Alyssa believes ADUs can have a strong positive impact on helping to create better housing opportunities for everyone.

    B.S. Structural Engineering at UC San Diego

    P.E. License #92713

    American Society of Civil Engineers Member

Alyssa, P.E.


  • Ehab brings designs to life, quite literally, with the creation of a 3D model to start every project. He presents creative and cost-conscious design solutions in ways that are easy to visualize and most importantly, constructable. Ehab's collaborative nature help move the project forward by finding issues early on in the design process and working with the designer or contractor to solve them in a timely manner.

    As an early adopter of advancing building technologies, Ehab has been at the forefront of Virtual Design coordination and BIM (Building Information Modeling) use on projects, giving him an extra edge in addition to his unique multi-disciplinary background.

    Throughout his professional career, he has completed a wide variety of project types in multiple roles: as architect, general contractor, software programmer, and engineer. His experience includes projects ranging from hospitals, commercial buildings, government buildings, biotech, hospitality, and residential.

    B.S. Structural Engineering at UC San Diego

    LEED Certified