Why You Still Need an Engineer for Your Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Project

In California, ADU projects have become increasingly popular as homeowners look to add value and functionality to their properties. Many cities have released pre-approved ADU floorplans that make it easier than ever to get your project up and running.

But if you think because you are using a pre-approved plan means you don’t need a structural engineer, think again.

Signed and stamped engineering drawings are still required for all city building permits regardless if you are using a pre-approved plan or not. Using a pre approved plans will help get you through planning review quickly, but you will still need to go through building and safety review like with any other floor plan design.

A licensed engineer is essential for any successful ADU project.

A structural engineer will identify any potential problems with existing structures or foundations ahead of time so they can be addressed before construction begins. Without this knowledge, homeowners may find themselves dealing with costly repair bills after construction is completed due to unforeseen problems caused by existing conditions that could have been easily avoided with early intervention from a structural engineer.

While having access to pre-approved plans makes getting started on an ADU project much easier, it does not replace the need for experienced licensed engineers who can provide detailed drawings and specifications for contractors to follow so there are no misunderstandings about the scope or complexity of the project. This ensures that all parties involved understand the expectations and can plan accordingly, resulting in fewer delays down the line. Having a licensed engineered design begins gives you peace of mind knowing that everything meets local codes and regulations as well as providing extra guidance should any issues arise during construction or afterwards.

So if you’re planning an ADU project in California, contact APE Structural Engineering! We will help ensure your project runs smoothly from start to finish!


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